CFU Rally: Solidarity is Strong at NYU

From unions on and off campus, to student groups, to local politicans, solidairty for Contract Faculty United is strong!

Jacob Remes, an associate professor of American history at New York University and an organizer of full-time, non-tenured professors at the university, during a March 1st rally on Schwartz Plaza.


On March 1st, Contract Faculty United held a rally with large scale support.

Below are excerpts from news coverage of the event and CFU’s fight to be recognized as a union.


The group of attendees, which included New York City Comptroller Brad Lander, chanted classic organizing lines like, “If we don’t get it, shut it down,” and more personalized refrains including, “Andy, Andy, you can’t hide, we can see your greedy side.” Elisabeth Fay, a CAS professor and an organizer with the union, said that the group is hoping for a fair and neutral recognition process from the university.
— Bruna Horvath, Deputy News Editor @ Washington Square News
At the rally, literature and cinema professor Elisabeth Fay delivered a speech in which she pointed out that better setups for professors translate to better experiences in the classroom. “My working conditions are my students’ learning conditions,” Fay said.
— Elaine Velie @ Hyperallergic
We deserve collective bargaining power,” David Brooks, an associate professor of art at NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study, said before the rally. “We all just want better rights, and job security and higher wages are big parts of that.
— Duncan Freeman @ The Chief

For more coverage of the rally please see the links below.


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Washington Square News


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