NYU RAs Unionize
We are calling on Linda Mills and the NYU administration to recognize our union!
On Tuesday, we delivered our public petition urging NYU to acknowledge the RAs’ supermajority support for SWAN and to voluntarily recognize our union. 70% of RAs across campus, representing all 20 active residence halls, have signed union authorization cards. We gave NYU a week to respond with a deadline of next Tuesday.
So join us to rally on Monday (4/22) at 3:30pm at Schwartz Plaza (next to Bobst) to show NYU what the people want!
The MAJORITY of NYU Resident Assistants across campus have officially joined the effort to unionize as Student Workers At NYU (SWAN)!
ResLife functions because of us and it’s time our treatment in this role reflects that so we can best serve residents and the NYU community as a whole. Following months of organizing, we are happy to say that the majority of RAs are acting on our right to form a legally recognized independent union together. This empowers us to collectively advocate for equity, fairness, protection, and compensation, for ourselves and for all future NYU RAs!
Next steps for RAs:
1. Sign your union authorization card if you haven’t yet! You can find it in our bio and at bit.ly/swancard2024; you can opt to join the public petition as well.
2. Share with your coworkers – workers united will never be defeated!